An Abundance Mindset

Do you have an abundance mindset? What do you do to foster it?

Yesterday I spent the day with a friend who has recently moved into a new home. She was delighted with her housewarming gift and told me it was just what she wanted.

People say that a lot, but she really meant it. She pulled out a list of things she wants for the house. "White and yellow elegant flower" she had written, not knowing the term for phalaenopsis or moth orchid.

And here I was, with a white with yellow center orchid from Sheridan Nurseries.

I’m happy to be in service to abundance.

But when I was standing in Sheridan, surrounded by beautiful, colorful orchids, I kept reaching for brighter and brighter ones. “Surely this one is better,” I thought, “no, this one.” I was like a little magpie.

But then I turned and saw the white ones, cool and elegant, and I immediately thought of my friend.

So that’s what I got. I was open to a message from the Universe about what she wanted.

My friend wrote what she wanted and in writing opened herself to receiving abundance. 

Are you open to receiving what you want? Are you connected to abundance?


Want to learn all my techniques for opening yourself up to receiving abundance?

Check out The Manifestation Method!


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