Speak for Yourself

I saw a post from a coach I admire but haven’t worked with, where she said it was unethical for coaches to say that they “heal trauma” - that that should be left to licensed professionals.

My first reaction was “speak for yourself, lady.”

Have I healed trauma untreated by 15 years of therapy or decades of living in just a few minutes? Sure.

Not. Even. Difficult.

Though of course I’m a well trained healer. But it’s not just me, but also all the coaches I’ve worked with are healers, even if it’s not a conscious part of their practice.

My training coach Jessica Nazarali, who holds a space of healing.
My business coach Serena Hicks, who will lift you to your next level.
My new coach Maggie Reyes, who engages your mind while repairing your energy.
And of course the queen of stealth-healer coaches, Jessica Eley, who coaches the mindset shifts to sustain the healing you’ve just received.

And so I realized that one of my criteria for hiring coaches is that they are also powerful healers.

Not every coach is, of course.

And I have spent a fair amount of time repairing energetic damage caused by undertrained or unfiltered coaches, healers, and yes, even licensed therapists. So take care.

Then I started thinking about the way my mentor and Heart Metta founder Sandra Sweetman discusses healing.

I’m not a “healer” but a conduit for healing.

I don’t heal your trauma. You do.

I show you how and give you the space to do it.

I show you your power so you can heal yourself.

When you’re ready.
At the rate that is healthy for your body.
Now and in the future.

It’s terrifying and glorious and can be frustrating (I often hear some variant of “I was sitting on that? Why have I been wasting my time?”), but is so, so powerful.

You weren’t ready then. Now you are.

Let’s get to work.


Start your healing journey & discover how powerful you are. Join me in Heart Metta sessions.


Heartbeat Energy with Handdrum Drumming


Expecto Patronum