Heart Metta Sessions, with Celia Cain, PhD

Tap into your inner wisdom. 

Sweep away hidden blocks & buried emotions gently & effectively – without reliving trauma.

You want freedom, clarity & peace – we all do – but it’s so difficult to achieve and maintain.

Sometimes it’s so close you can taste it, but something always rises up to stop it – to prevent your full happiness.  

You might even have transcendent moments, but those are few and far between and unsustainable.

When this happens, you probably ask yourself…

"What's wrong with me?"

"I'm successful at so many things. I should be able to handle this myself. If I just try harder and do better I’ll manage."  

Hard work has taken you far in life. So why do you feel dissatisfied? Why can’t you solve it with the same productivity, organization, and box-ticking that has given you so many achievements?

"It's all my fault."

“I’ve been in therapy. I’ve tried all sorts of self-care. I’ve meditated. Prayed. Journaled. Dieted. Stopped behavior that might turn addictive. Run marathons. Cooked exotic cuisines. And still I feel bad. Empty. Dissatisfied. Trapped. Confused. Exhausted.”

You feel embarrassed that you’ve invested so much time, effort, and money in improving yourself with so little results – a bad ROI. Why do all these things seem to work for some people but not for you, or work for a while, but not permanently?

"Why can't I move on?"

“This was a very long time ago. I am no longer a child. I am no longer young. I am no longer helpless. I am safe and well. I have grown and changed. That situation is long over and will not come again. And looking at it as an adult, it wasn’t even that big of a deal. So why am I not over it?”

You think you should have some control over your reactions because you KNOW you are not the same person you were then and things are very different. But you don’t know how to change your reactions. What would that FEEL like?

"I thought I was over this. Why am I here again?"

“I did this work. I let this go. I forgave. I moved on. Right? So why is it still an issue? Why does it still affect my life?”

You thought it wouldn’t come back and it did and now you feel like a failure. You hear all these wonderful stories about people moving on, and here you are, back again. You feel trapped and you don’t know where to start.

And every time you run into a block, you can’t help but feel solely responsible that you aren’t better, when you know better.

As if it’s all your fault and you must not be doing enough.

This is not your fault.

You are not the problem.

The problem is…

Your body is unimpressed by your logic.

Your brain and body work together to keep you alive.

Your body decides what is trauma and what is a forgettable bad experience and how, exactly, you will react to trauma in the moment and months and years later.

Even if those responses aren’t healthy or necessary anymore, even if you know better, your brain and body will stay with what is familiar and safe.

Your body decides.

This leaves you feeling inadequate, as if there’s something wrong with you that you can’t fix no matter what you do.

And if you stay with the same old patterns your body and mind find comfortable, then:

You numb yourself with whatever works for you (food, alcohol, sex, trashy novels, social media, Netflix, etc.).

When you encounter stressful situations, you shut down –especially if you’ve been through burnout. You want to complete your project, but you just can’t bring yourself to do the work.

Your body stops you. You get sick, often chronically ill with an autoimmune or pain disorder.

It doesn’t matter how brilliant and accomplished you are, you can’t think or work you way out of this – no one can.

You are not broken.

You are not defective.

You’ve done nothing wrong.

You are whole and complete.

Let’s take a moment to let that sink in…

Nearly all of this happens subconsciously.

You’re not aware of what’s happening in your brain and body.

This is because your brain relies on the same neural pathways that it has used over and over again.

It feels like it’s a permanent part of you.

It feels natural.

I spent years wondering why I reacted and behaved in ways that didn’t serve me when I knew better.

Why did I hold onto things that I had long since gotten over, that had no bearing on my life?

Why did I behave in ways that were unhealthy and/or counterproductive when I knew better?

And considering I didn’t have “real trauma” – nothing compared to what I had witnessed among others – I continued to discount its effects.

Trauma is simply a bad experience recorded in the body. The body decides what to hold onto – you have no control over this.

And if you are, like me, a Highly Sensitive Person, you will be affected not only by your own traumas, but by the energy of other people’s traumas. It will affect your BRAIN and your BODY.

Let me repeat that: the energy of those traumas – your own and others that you encounter – affects your brain and your body.

And if you want to change your reactions - what do you do?

You must release it.

“Celia helped me work through some significant past trauma issues in literally minutes. ”


Just imagine what it will feel like…

When you release your worst blocks – the ones you thought would always be with you – and are free & clear.

When you remember something negative and feel neutral & calm.

When you break out of cycles that have confined and confused you for years.

When you know for sure that the next time this trigger comes around, you’ll react in a healthy manner.

When you experience something negative and your body rejects the trauma.

When you allow yourself to heal and feel freedom, clarity & peace.

“That Heart Metta was wonderful! I’m just thinking of events and the negative energy around them is gone!”


Here’s how Heart Metta is different:

The mind-body-energy process of Heart Metta works no matter where you are or what you’ve been through.

We address the root causes of your issues and not just the symptoms.

With Heart Metta, there is no need to relive or re-experience trauma to clear it from your mind, body & energy.

Okay… So how does Heart Metta work?

Heart Metta is for you if…

You’re ready to release old blocks, hidden emotions & trauma.

You want to know who you are without trauma.

You’re ready to work with me to heal yourself.

You’re ready to invest in yourself and know the consequences of staying stuck.

You want to make room for new, healthy patterns and habits.

You want to optimize your brain.

You want freedom, clarity & peace NOW.

  • You’re looking for a band-aid for your issues.

  • You allow your trauma to define you and revel in suffering.

  • You’re seeking coaching. (I offer coaching + healing here.)

  • You’re unwilling to learn new skills.

  • You’re unwilling to change.

  • You want to continue doing what hasn’t worked for you before.

  • You don’t want freedom, clarity & peace NOW.

Heart Metta is NOT for you if…

Heart Metta is for you if you’re ready to shift from surviving to thriving.

The Heart Metta Bundle

5 Sessions

Investment: $1,600


  • I’m committed to in-depth coach and healing work with my clients. But sometimes, people don’t want or need long term coaching and instead want to deal with specific issues. This is for them.

  • Exactly the same way it works in person. Even before the pandemic, most of my work was over zoom. I can shift your energy no matter where you are in the world.

  • That depends! I’ve had clients experience life altering changes after one short session. But generally, there’s more than one issues and blocks or traumas are more embedded and there’s resistance to shifting them. This is why I’m offering a package of 5!

  • Heart Metta is gentle – it never goes beyond what a person can handle at any given moment. It is efficient and effective. It’s incredibly simple. And you NEVER have to re-experience or revisit trauma in order to treat it.

  • A majority of my clients are American, or comfortable using US dollars for online purchases, so it makes sense for me to price in US dollars.